KNAPS - The Software for Buying Groups

Run your business smarter and with less effort with KNAPS, specialist software for buying group and franchise applications. Manage complex pricing rules, rebates and claims with ease, and focus on running your business.

What KNAPS Does For You

24/7 availability, accessible from any device with an internet connection.
Reduce the time spent for data entry and supplier claims by 73%
Generate accurate and useful reports in seconds.
Add automation to the pricing process.

Future-proof, continuously evolving with the industry.

Why Switch to KNAPS?

Smart Management

Smartly manages your business stock, sales and orders quickly and easily. It's easy to use, reliable and affordable.

Your Time Is Precious

Saves you time from inefficient manual processes like tracking stock levels, managing orders, and looking up prices.

Suitable For Your Business

Suitable for small, medium, and large businesses looking to simplify their business processes.

Online and User-friendly

Just connect to the internet and start managing your business with KNAPS from anywhere.


Key KNAPS Benefits

Cloud-Based Architecture:- Manage your inventory from anywhere on a device connected to the web phones, tablets, or laptops - and across multiple sites.

Improve Efficiency:- Easily improve efficiency through automated processes and one-touch reporting.

Increase Efficiency Across Locations Consolidate processes and data management across multiple locations. Streamlined Order Management Maintain transparency across every stage of your order and sales processes.


Sales and Ordering Made Easy

Manage your sales and orders with automated stock functions, such as minimum stock level maintenance, auto-claiming (including price protection and sell through allowance claims), stock transfers and multi-site stock buckets. EDI ordering and document management keeps your finger on the pulse and frees you up to concentrate on selling more.

Value Added Partnership

Our unique support team will provide you with expertise backed by many years of experience. We work closely with our clients to customise KNAPS to fit your business model. KNAPS will help to manage your business better. Value - our aim is to add the highest value to your business. Partnership - When you work with us, we'll come alongside you as a partner through the whole process of implementation and post-implementation.


Please provide us with the details below to schedule a demo!
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